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Winter is on!

Another year and another early start to the season. Last nights storm blanketed Ole's with 3-4 fat inches of snow with just a little Eastern Style crust on top. There was a lot of water underneath still so we left it alone all day but this afternoon I managed to Roll out around the Airport and a loop in the "fairway" of the airport that is probably pushing around 2KM long.

The skiing is epic for November 12th. There is some schwack, some wet and also some really nice skiing. The usual spots along the back side of the Airport have some gnarly, but there will be some great gliding too. The best coverage, especially for skate skiing will be on the "fairway" loop.

Ole's ski shop will be open for the first day on Saturday but if any itchy pass holder's want to come up and ski the groomed out stuff you are more than welcome. I will be in and around the ski center completing some set up but if you need us I can meet you at the ski center by appointment until this weekend. But otherwise we will see you on Saturday.

Pre season discount ends officially November 15th, but I will be extending it through Sunday so come up and get your pass for this great season.

Also to please remember to stay on marked trails. Stay off or near the runway at all times, seriously don't go near it. You know who you are.

See you all soon.

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