MARCH 10, 2022
Good Morning
The major weather blow torch that fell over the North East last Sunday temporarily knocked us down for the count and we are awaiting some fresh snow to get the trails back open. This weekend looks like we MAY Get lucky. A major winter storm is store and IF things play out the way they are saying then we are looking at the biggest storm in a few seasons. Time will tell, but it is looking good people.
The lower elevations are green but there is still touring to be had out there, if you know where to look. This morning revealed a light dusting of snow, and it is rather nice out. Just some fresh snow and we will be back to winter pursuits. Stay tuned
All of our ski shop is marked down in the store and online. We still have a fairly good selection of gear and it is a good time to get into some ski gear. Check out our inventory at EASTERNRIDGENORDIC.COM.
Hoping to get a little more snow and shred a few more weekends of skiing.I wanna ride this roller coaster of a season right to the end! Stay tuned.
