2” of Fresh overnight. ALMOST enough.

November 22, 2023
A strong taste of winter this morning. As forecasted, only a slim few inches of wet heavy snow fell on the Airport Field. A beautiful snowy scene to wake up too but just not quite enough to get a little trail open. Another something in the works for early next week. Stay tuned. Skis crossed!
Our ski shop will open Friday after the Thanksgiving day Holiday. We are fully stocked with Nordic Gear and accessories. Come check it out. New Items from Salomon and Fischer in stock. Excellent deals on Nordic Ski Packages.. Offtrack and Backcountry touring gear in stock,.
We are also offering Seasonal Ski leases with multiple options for your Nordic Touring Needs.
Come check it out.
Our ski shop hours are now Thursday-Sunday 10AM-4PM or untill we get some ski snow. We will be closed Thanksgiving Day.
See everyone soon have a great holiday.