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Good Morning,

Nice and cold out there this morning. The temps are around 8 below out and it is rather chilly. The slight breezed over the airport adds to the windchill. It is cold for sure but the sun is out and the skiing has improved since yesterday. Another morning of tilling with the groomer combined with a smidgen of snow that was squeezed out of the atmosphere by the arctic air that came in last night has really made things dare i say it good. All relative to what is going on out there of course.

Expect pretty good skiing intermixed with thin and bare spots. Not epic but a few folks went out yesterday and said it was surprisingly good. If you come up remember to cover all exposed skin. Go full spaceman style with a neck gaiter/balaclava, and ski goggles won't hurt. Dress in a lot of layers and keep your ski short. Have fun but don't forget what the temps are. Tomorrow will be warmer.

We have gotten a well deserved shipment of new merchandise this week. Including the snappy looking Rossignol BC80 Touring Ski for you to check out. A great all around ski for on and off of trail ski touring. We have performance classic and skate skis as well as other Nordic accessories, hats, gloves and wax for your sticky skis. Come check it out. Call with questions. Ski shop will be open 9AM-4PM today.


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