Cold next few days, a reprieve Starting Thursday
January 21, 2025
Yesterday was a chilly one but the skiing was great. With the sun and proper attire it was quite nice. Anyways, this is Nordic Skiing not waterskiing, it's supposed to be cold! Stay moving and stay warm. Keep gliding sessions short, take time to appreciate the wood stove, then resume gliding.
We had a great holiday weekend up here. Thanks to all who came up and skied it up! Air Wylie got his gliding in. Fueled by hot chocolate and chicken and dumplings. The lunch of champions.
   Today and tomorrow are forecasted to be chilly. If the wind doesn't pick up too much then things will be "not that bad". A nice reprieve from the temps coming on Thursday. Later in the week and next weekend, at the moment look to be another great one.
     Fresh grooming this morning close in to the Ole's Base. Things should still be in great shape since yesterday. Come up if you've got the metal for it. See you up here. Stay warm out there be smart/safe.