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Another Epic Day Here today

February 18, 2024

Yesterday was an amazing day. It snowed up here all morning off and on and we even had white out conditions for a bit.. Towards the end of the day the sun came out and we unleashed the groomers again for a second groom session on all of the core trails. Skiing was superb. This morning core trails and beyond will be buffed out once again as needed. Skiing will prove to be excellent for both classic and skating techniques.

We are enjoying a 100% open trail system. The outer loop, trails #6,#9, and # 10 were machine packed only yesterday and it is pretty nice in most places, but still thin and variable in a few spots. Expect fresh snow on top of a solid base. This outer loop is open only in the counter-clockwise direction, skiing down Trail #6 Folsom Brook from the #6,#7A Junction, through the Bundy Trail # 10 and up Trail #9 Cold Springs Farm Trail. The loop is posted closed from the #9 and # 5 Junction as it is quite sketchy on the down hill West of the first Airport Road crossing through the pine trees right before the hard Left as you near the back meadow on Trail #9. Not much snow in there as it gets stripped by the wind and is in thick Pine Forest. The outer loop is for Experts only, who have experince sking in offtrack and Backcountry situations and who have the skills to stop on the steepest of downhills. quickly. Ski with a friend, and check in if you head out and the same when you come back. Recommended to take skis off on steep downhills and walk. Stop in for more details on trails. Again Experts Only down there.

The rest of the trails system is in spectacular conditions so come up and get your glide on!


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