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March 13 2024

All open trails have been combed out fresh this morning with two passes in the skate lanes and there is still a good track from yesterday. Thing froze last night and will soften as it gets warmer through the day. There are a few funky spots to work your way around but mostly they are filled in and very passable. Trails #2, #3, #5, trail #7 out to the #4 loops are open and have been groomed. Trail #5 in the woods from the #12 Junction headed north until you get out into the field is kind of rough but the coverage is surprisingly good in there. Trail #7a was groomed out yesterday, but quite a slushy spot as you enter into the birch trees. Other than that occasional funky spot, skiing is really nice. It is a beautiful day for skiing.

March 12th 2024

Good morning,

Another 6 inches of dry powder yesterday on top of the trails. Almost 14 inches since the storm started. Sweet!

That infernal wind is now gone and the sun is going to come out. We are looking at at least 15 KM of Trail groomed fresh this morning with tracks set. The views are gonna be ridiculous and the skiing is going to be excellent. There are a few slushy spots to deal with but they did freeze up overnight. Some…..

Bring your sunblock, cancel your grown-up plans and come ski. See you up here.

March 11, 2024

Good morning, another day of skiing to put on the list today. Things are fairly cold out there in the low 20s. It is dumping snow heavily up here currently. Forecasters say it supposed to snow up here all day potentially with some serious accumulations if things work out right? Either way we have some nice fresh powder on top of that super dense base from yesterday.

I’ve been out grooming this morning and will continue to groom, trying to comb out some of this fresh powder. It is snowing and blowing out there and filling that groomed trail up nicely with fresh powder. Trails #2 , #3,#4,#5 out to E. Warren Rd. through the fields, #’s 7 and #7a out to 4K loops as well as rock ‘n’ roll Trail #11 will get the grooming touch here in the next hour or two. With classic track set.

Coverage and the skiing should be nice. A few slushy spots here and there, but I dragged some plywood around this morning early and filled some of the worst ones in. Come up and enjoy the great skiing up here.

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