Today a Repeat of yesterday
February 20, 2024
A nice cold start to the day today with temps rebounding nicely into the upper twenties. An end of the day/early evening ski in the sunset and moonlight was superb yesterday. A new morning and we are in store for a repeat of yesterday. We will have Copious amounts of sun, mellow wind and crazy nice views. All trails are open. Trails have been buffed out this morning as necessary. Things are in really nice shape out there. The outer loop IS open but please see details on that below. Come up and enjoy all the sunshine and nice snow.
-Trails #6,#9 and # "10 Outer Loop" Caution!-
. The outer loop, trails #6,#9, and # 10 got groomed out yesterday with track set. It is quite nice in most spots. Please note: This outer loop is open only in the counter-clockwise direction, skiing down Trail #6 Folsom Brook from the #6,#7A Junction, through the Bundy Trail # 10 and up Trail #9 Cold Springs Farm Trail. The loop is posted closed from the #9 and # 5 Junction as it is quite sketchy on the down hill West of the first Airport Road crossing through the pine trees right before the hard Left as you near the back meadow on Trail #9. Not much snow in there as it gets stripped by the wind and is in thick Pine Forest. The outer loop is for Experts only, who have experince sking in offtrack and Backcountry situations and who have the skills to stop on the steepest of downhills. quickly. Ski with a friend, and check in if you head out and the same when you come back. Recommended to take skis off on steep downhills and walk.
-Trails #4 Caution!-
Active logging going on right now near and around the 4KM loops. Please use caution, stay on all detours marked with arrows and remember that all loggers and machinery have the right of way. Ij short stay out of the way. Wave to the land owners who are working in the sunshine and say thanks for letting us ski there. Good day to be working and playing in the woods.
Trail #7 Caution